As the name suggests, my blog is all about creating a style of your own. Think out of the box and create your own trend.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Quality Vs Quantity

The title may sound like an India Vs Pak cricket match to some but this is how it is. There have always been a debate on quality and quantity.

I met a girl a few days back and asked her about her views on this topic to which she said that she would anytime prefer quantity over quality. Generally college students do so. They want different set of clothes to wear for college everyday and repeating a dress is completely a big "no" for them. This doesn't mean that they do not buy branded stuff at all. They do but when asked to make a choice, they believe the more, the merrier.

At the same time there are people who are completely the opposite. They prefer quality and not quantity. According to them it's better to buy branded clothes, even if they are not too many, as they last for a long time and you can flaunt them without any hesitation, whenever you want. I personally think that it's neither the quantity nor the quality that matters. What matters is the attitude that you carry, when you wear a particular dress.

When it comes to me, even I get confused between quantity and quality. But I think this is something that depends on an individual, his personal preference or choice. If you are brand conscious, then get yourself whatever you desire then whether it is a single pair of these or a dozen of them. But just make sure that it doesn't make a hole in your pocket.

If you don't believe in buying branded stuff all the time then go ahead and bring home a whole new range of clothing whenever required.


  1. Well i think.. for boys at least.. that quality of the clothing does matter... our pair of jeans and tee should better be of good quality coz it is to be repeated and repeated.. Plus when it comes to formal clothing... the quality can be seen, felt and checked.. :)

  2. i really love d way u thought, na ya its true attitude matters a lot, thanks ankita 4 sharing ur view, great work

  3. i too believe quality is nw a fashion quionient..therefore brands are a thing to flaunt even in colleges..

  4. its both quality n quantity for girls... so a big trouble hmm..:)

  5. brands are so expensive at times v tend to buy the same thing at a cheaper price from a local price at quantity is also needed..u knw hw its in colleges..:)

  6. boys need quality man and its true..but girls are really fussy..they want more and its ok if even u get confused

  7. Now days brands have become a thing to flaunt..More and more people are going for brands and with standard to living increasing it is easier to afford them..

  8. I believe in quality than quantity...

  9. Nice pics...which identifies quantity with qaulity..PUMA ROCKS....

  10. I agree with your opinion both should go hand in hand.....Qauntity without quality is waste of money..

  11. donn agree honey..........u cn hve quality n quantity both wid brands

  12. In fashion industry definitely Quality comes before quantity.But brands are a bit expensive so quantity gets sum edge.

  13. @kirti..yea bt having quantity wid brand is nt always possible..
